Ethereum The Merge Upgrade Countdown

The Merge upgrade at around block {{ forkBlock | formatBlock }} is scheduled to occur on  {{forkTs | formatForkTs}} which is in

{{forkTs | timeToFork}}

{{ bestBlock | formatBlock }} / {{ forkBlock | formatBlock }} | {{ forkBlock - bestBlock | formatBlock }} blocks to go

🎉 🎉 The upgrade is now live on the Ethereum Mainnet 🎉 🎉

Live client status

ClientVersionStatusBlock NumberBlock HashTotal DifficultyLast Block
{{ name }}{{ value.version ? value.version : '-' }}In SyncSyncing{{ value.block.number }}{{value.block.hash | subStr}}{{ value.block.totalDifficulty | formatTotalDifficulty }} ({{value.totalDifficultyPercentage}}%){{ value.block.timestamp | fromNow }}
Next update in {{updateIn}}s

Merge ready & synced clients seen on the Ethereum network (last 24h)

geth  702 (100%)0 (0%)
nethermind  382 (100%)0 (0%)
erigon  0 (0%)94 (100%)
besu  64 (94%)4 (6%)
reth  0 (0%)67 (100%)
r  0 (0%)6 (100%)
nimbus-eth1  0 (0%)2 (100%)
Total  1148 (87%)173 (13%)


Where is the official announcement of the upgrade?

See the Upgrade announcement.

Which upgrades are included?

For a complete list of EIPs included in the upgrade see the Upgrade announcement.

Which action do I need to take?

If you are running an Ethereum client (for example Geth, Besu, Nethermind or Erigon) please update it to the latest version.